
Dear Colleagues,

The James Tyler Kent Homeopathic Institute is delighted to invite you all to attend the IVth International Masi Elizalde Congress to take place from August 11 to August 14, 2011.

The city of Paraty, site of the first meeting, was elected to host the event.The second and the third meetings took place, respectively, in Buenos Aires (2006) and in France (2009). These gatherings served to demonstrate the evolution in terms of maturity of the philosophical thought and the practical results obtained, a consequence both of the coherent application of the methodology proposed by Masi Elizalde allied to the growth of the dynamic knowledge attained by many other medications duly followed by clinical evidence.

Ties joining all of those who share Master Elizalde's ideas have also become stronger. This strength became evident through the will to promote a continuity to the meetings, as well as through the precious and intense exchange occurring among practitioners and participants from various countries, namely, Spain, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Canada and Russia. In these countries the Masist thought and its application in the medical practice has led to cases of extraordinary healing with the use of medications scarcely known by the majority of homeopaths.

Colleagues from various countries will be among us. We shall have the opportunity to exchange and be socially close to Guy Loutan, who for many years has been developing the thematic repertory, and we shall also have the company of Marie Luc Fayeton, president of the AFADH. In addition to that, many other colleagues have confirmed their participation.

The event opens in the afternoon of Thursday, August 11, and it shall close on Sunday, August 14 at 1:00 PM.

For all programmed events, there will be simultaneous translation from French into Portuguese and from Portuguese into French. Registration will take place up to March 30, 2011.

The deadline for submitting papers has been set for April 30, 2011. Studies for presentation will have to describe clinical cases and their evolution following Masi's methodology. In addition, they will have to include an abstract based on the study of the medication utilized. The use of other methodologies will be allowed as supplementary for the recognition of similarities, differences and analogies.

Paraty Tours is in charge of organizing the event in its entirety.
Registrations and reservations for touristic activities will have to be done through the e-mail

Welcome to the IVth International Masi Elizalde Congress of Numenic Homeopathy!

Organizing Committee
James Tyler Kent Homeopathic Institute

  • Conrado Mariano
  • Elizabeth Valente de Souza
  • Erasto Luiz de Souza
  • Lilia Albuquerque
  • Marie Christine Duniau
  • Milton Ungierowicz
  • Regina Guedes Guimarães

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